
Photographs by Meadow Linn

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Savoring Food Mind, Body, and Soul

I've just spent a wonderful Saturday afternoon chatting with Betsey Lewis of Color Visions Radio about living deliciously and savoring the food we ingest. To listen to our conversation about the healing and nurturing powers of food, click the play button below.

Update: 3/26/11
The link I posted expired. Does anyone know how I can imbed an mp3 file here?


  1. Hi Meadow, I've just listened to the show and I was pleased to hear that you believe that colour in food is important too.

    Often, when my husband and I sit down to eat, we admire the colours on our plates which can turn out to be very harmonious and pleasing. This is often accidental.

    On the other hand I find food that looks dull unappetising.

    Interesting eh?


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